The Lab

Adam Kwiatkowski

Adam Kwiatkowski

Principal Investigator

Adam did his Ph.D. work with Frank Gertler at MIT and his postdoc research with James Nelson at Stanford. He moved to Pittsburgh to start his own lab in April 2012.

Adam’s NIH BioSketch

Adam’s Google Scholar Profile

Adam’s ResearchGate Profile


Sahana Balasubramanian

Sahana Balasubramanian

Graduate Student

Sahana is a Ph.D. student in the Cell Biology and Molecular Physiology Program who joined the lab in April 2020. She received her Master’s Degree from the University of Texas at Dallas. She enjoys exploring nature when she’s not exploring the lab. She likes photographing birds and butterflies. She’s also a trained Indian Classical Bharatanatyam dancer. Sahana loves drinking coffee and is on a quest to finding the best cup of coffee in Pittsburgh.

Lab Alumni (position)

Alexandra (Lexi) Campbell – Masters Student/Lab Tech

Ian Dale – Lab Tech

Kerry Hancuch – Lab Tech

Jonathon Heier – Graduate Student

Yang Li – Research Instructor

Chelsea Merkel – Graduate Student

Roisin O’Dowd – Undergrad

Katherine Pfister – Postdoc

Emma Porter – Undergrad

Qanber Raza – Postdoc

Aisha Vallopra – Undergrad

Emily Wickline – Postdoc